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Dakota Trails Meeting September 11, 2024

Meeting called to order at 8:05 PM. Clubs present - all, Officers present - all.

April meeting minutes were read and approved. Treasurer’s Report - Read and approved.

No new bills.

Old Business - Mike said the roller he looked at wasn’t right for our club needs. Jay found a new roller for $23,000. Kenny found a used 12” roller for $5,000.

New Business - Rosie figures our grant will be a little less than last year’s Jerry has been checking with several different insurance companies. Lloyds of London is the only company that insures our type of club. We need to find an insurance agent instead of the insurance broker we have been working with. Our current coverage ends November 21st. Without liability insurance Dakota County will not sponsor our grant.

Reusing maps from 2023-2024. Jim can make labels to change the years on our maps. Motion made to pay up to $300.00 for Jim to print the labels. Motion passed.

Rosie reminded everyone again to update their landowner permits

Meeting adjourned at 8:32 PM. Next meeting is October 9th at 8:00PM at the House of Coates

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